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Displaying items by tag: Telecommunications

GUEST RESEARCH:  The cyber threat landscape saw an unprecedented surge in web-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in 2024, with incidents spiking by 550% compared to the previous year, according to Radware’s newly released 2025 Global Threat Analysis Report.

Published in Guest Research

The Federal Court has found that Telstra made false or misleading representations relating to the upload speed of residential broadband internet services supplied to nearly 9,000 of its Belong customers, following court action by the competition watchdog, the ACCC.

Published in Technology Regulation

Fixed wireless and wholesale network infrastructure provider Swoop Holdings Limited (ASX:SWP) (Swoop) today announces a new multi-million dollar deal with Flip, a leading telecommunications and entertainment brand, which provides cost-effective NBN and IPTV entertainment.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

GUEST OPINION:   Recent revelations about "Salt Typhoon," the worst telecom data breach in U.S. history, serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in modern telecommunications infrastructure. This state-sponsored cyber-attack, attributed to Chinese actors, not only compromised sensitive call metadata but also exposed the fragility of critical infrastructure systems. For Australian business executives, the warning is clear: robust cybersecurity measures are no longer optional—they are essential.

Published in Guest Opinion

As Australia prepares to shut down its 3G network, a discussion is unfolding about whether the concerns surrounding the transition stem from real consequences or are being overblown.

Published in Guest Opinion

Competition watchdog the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has called for industry submissions concerning the recently announced proposed multi-billion dollar acquisition by Australian communications infrastructure group Vocus of key network assets of telecoms operator TPG.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

Quarter 1 data released by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has revealed that nearly a third of complaints made by telco consumers to the TIO came back unresolved between July and September of 2024.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

Patent advisory services provider Global Technology Transfer Group (GTT), has publicly announced the availability of a 'major telecom and mobile network operator's' global patent portfolio for acquisition.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has commenced proceedings in the Federal Court alleging that Australia's second largest telco Optus engaged in unconscionable conduct across multiple regions, including Darwin, Mount Isa and others.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

New Zealand telco Spark has announced a downward revision in its FY25 financial guidance, citing challenging market conditions.

Swedish telecoms equipment vendor Ericsson has launched a talent development program that aims to develop early career talent in the telecom sector across Southeast Asia, Oceania - including Australia, and India.

Published in Education

Australian communications infrastructure provider Vocus has signed an agreement to acquire the enterprise, government and wholesale (EG&W) fixed business and fibre network assets of Australia's third largest telecoms operator TPG for A$5.25 billion.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 16:18

Vic Police busts alleged telco copper thieves

The Victorian Police caught three men allegedly trying to extract copper telecommunication cables from a pit in Kilsyth, a suburb of Melbourne in Victoria yesterday.

Published in Business Telecoms
Thursday, 23 May 2024 12:38

Singtel launches Singtel28 new growth plan

Singaporean telecommunications company Singtel has introduced ST28, a new growth plan “designed to enhance customer experiences and deliver sustained value realisation for shareholders”.

Published in Strategy

The technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) sectors were the most targeted industries in Australia by cyber threats in 2023, with a newly published report assessing that this could be attributed to Australia’s significant digital growth over the last decade, reshaping its digital ecosystem and creating new opportunities.

Published in Security

New Zealand competition regulator The Commerce Commission has filed proceedings in the High Court against One NZ - formerly Vodafone - for multiple breaches of the 111 Contact Code – some of which the Commission alleges are still ongoing.

Australia's biggest telecommunications company, Telstra, has reported a billion dollars in profit for the first half of fiscal 2024, a rise of 11.5% over the corresponding period a year prior.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

GUEST OPINION:  Telecommunications have certainly come a long way across our great and vast nation since the days of federal policies that allowed regional farmers to construct homemade cables on their own land for a more reliable connection.

Published in Guest Opinion

An estimated 95% of the planet’s population has access to broadband internet via cable or mobile network but there are some places where staying connected can be difficult. To address this, a scientific article, published as open access, proposes the use of nanosatellites to provide stable coverage in areas that are hard to reach using long-range communications.

Published in Environment

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