Stephen Rue, chief executive of the National Broadband Company, has announced he is stepping down from the post after almost a decade working for the firm.
Nicholas Demos has left the building. After five years managing the affairs of MyRepublic in Australia and New Zealand, he has taken his leave, but certainly not on a gloomy note.
The NBN Co's latest attempt to put lipstick on a pig — the animal in this case being the network it is building and the make-up in question being speed — goes one step further than the "alternative facts" which its former chief executive, Bill Morrow, used to dish out.
As Australians continue to make do with a half-baked broadband service, New Zealand has indicated that it would be reducing prices for its ultra-fast broadband services as it announced that half a million had taken up the service.
The Australian Labor Party has described the national broadband network as being on "life support" with the announcement on Friday that the total outlay would be $51 billion, compared to the earlier figure of $49 billion, described as "a cost blowout" that was "nothing short of a disaster".
The rollout of Australia's national broadband network will be completed by 2020 as has been repeatedly stated, the company behind the rollout, NBN Co, said during the presentation of its corporate plan for 2019-2022 on Friday.
The Australian Labor Party says it was not appropriate for the Federal Government to appoint a permanent chief executive for NBN Co, the company rolling out the national broadband network, this close to an election, especially given that the government is going through a great deal of turbulence.
NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network, the NBN, has recorded a loss of $4.1 billion for the full-year 2018, according to results announced on Thursday.
The president of a professional IT lobby group has taken NBN Co chief executive Bill Morrow to task over his reported comments that gamers were to blame for congestion on the NBN fixed wireless network at peak times and they may be subject to lower speeds in order to fix the problem.
The chief of NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network, has blamed gamers for congestion at peak times on the fixed wireless network and hinted that they may be subject to slower speeds to fix the problem.
The news that the staff at NBN Co are paid handsomely from the public purse comes in the same week that a study showed chief executives' pay in the US to be up to 5000 times that of an average worker in the companies they headed.
The NBN Co pays its staff handsomely, figures revealed ahead of Senate estimates hearings last week show, with 8% of its 6044 staff taking home more than $200,000.
National broadband network builder NBN Co has killed off plans to offer a 100/40Mbps fixed-wireless service, with chief executive Bill Morrow confirming the decision at a Senate Estimates committee hearing.
NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network, has recorded a loss of $3.3 billion in the nine months to March 2018, the third quarter of the current financial year. This compares to a loss of $2.7 billion for the nine months of the previous financial year.
NBN chief executive Bill Morrow has given the clearest indication yet that he plans to continue working in Australia after he leaves the company at the end of the year, issuing a six-page "white paper" last week in which he acknowledged that the multi-technology mix NBN has suffered in speed terms due to the abundance of copper.
NBN Co, the company building the national broadband network, is ramping up its planned fibre-to-the-curb footprint, with 440,000 more homes and businesses to receive the new technology.
When Bill Morrow took over as head of the NBN Co, the company tasked with building the national broadband network, he was fully aware with what he had to contend.
NBN Co chief executive Bill Morrow is leaving the company by the end of the year, according to a statement from the company.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull should not be faulted for having an NBN connection at his home or elsewhere using HFC because he has no choice in the matter.
A prominent network expert and frequent commentator on the national broadband network has described NBN Co's half-yearly results as a "train wreck" and said that there is nothing that can be done to get the company back on the rails.
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Ajai Chowdhry, one of the founders and CEO of HCL is married to a cousin of a cousin of mine.[…]
I wonder when they will implement all of this, and what the pricing plans will be.FWIW, these days the proposed[…]