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Displaying items by tag: YouTube

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 05:33

YouTube paywall looms

Google is expected to announce this week that some YouTube videos will only be available to subscribers.

Published in Entertainment
Thursday, 24 September 2015 14:40

YouTube cuts ads for alternative media

A new policy amendment by Youtube has cut advertising on videos that contain controversial news content,  including videos that promote alternative political views. As a result, at least one popular alternative news media site with hundreds of thousands of subscribers has lost a major source of income. (Note this story has been updated with an official YouTube statement in the final paragraph)

Published in Entertainment

NBN Co says that fast broadband and online video is ‘the new Australian chalkboard’, transforming Australian living rooms into online classes.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

Bingeing on multiple TV episodes one after the other is prevalent amongst Video-on-Demand subscribers, as consumers flock to VOD services in droves, according to a new global market report.

Published in Entertainment

Facebook’s newly launched hosted news publishing platform, Instant Articles, is a first step to a new business model to deliver news, and signifies a significant “shift of power” between the news publishers and social networks, according to a US analytics firm.

Published in Internet of Things
Tuesday, 12 May 2015 13:17

ACMA’s advice on successful streaming

With all the new legal streaming services in Australia, what are the important things to consider when signing up to a streaming service? Here’s ACMA’s advice.

Published in Entertainment

Samsung’s latest advertisement features a British voice, shots of molten metal, manufacturing processes and seeming Apple inspiration.

Published in Mobility

So-called Over the Top (OTT) TV providers like Netflix and Amazon Prime are expected to generate $31.6 billion by 2019, up from just under $8 billion last year, and posing an increasing competitive threat to traditional broadcasters.

Published in Entertainment

Sydney’s Luna Park is 80 years old, yet successfully hosts a range of cutting edge events like last week’s top-notch VMware vForum 2014, with the Park implementing the fastest and latest broadband and Wi-Fi along with biometrics coming soon to make experiencing the park’s magic and fun smoother and better than ever!

Published in Fuzzy Logic
Monday, 28 July 2014 12:18

Study confirms kids are being sneaky online

Most young Aussie kids are hiding their online activities from their parents, with some making fake profiles or blocked their search history according to new research.

Published in Home Tech
Monday, 07 July 2014 17:15

YouTube naming and shaming 'slow' ISPs

Google-owned video sharing service YouTube has followed fellow video service Netflix and is now publicly naming and ISPs, including Australian providers, who are guilty of providing slow download speeds.

Published in Networking
Thursday, 05 June 2014 11:13

Amazon to wow with 3D smartphone

Apple may have all the tech press momentum right now but thay may all change on Wednesday, with online retail giant Amazon releasing a teaser YouTube video announcing a secretive 18 June "launch event" in Seattle to be hosted by CEO Jeff Bezos.

Published in Mobility
Tuesday, 01 April 2014 10:15

Woz hand delivers iMac to adoring fan

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak isn't shy and often uses his star power for good... but rarely is it as touching as this.

Published in Home Tech

Swedish multinational communications giant Ericsson predicts there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020, 15 billion of which will be video enabled.

Published in Strategy
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 10:02

Is Wonder PL the next video success story?

A new curated online video platform for lifestyle content, dubbed Wonder PL, has the likes of YouTube and and Vimeo firmly in its sights.

Published in Strategy
Monday, 03 March 2014 19:03

House of Cards comes to Canberra

So you've just finished season two of House of Cards. What next? House of Cards: Canberra, of course.

Published in Entertainment
Thursday, 06 February 2014 11:14

Google appoints new head of YouTube

Web giant Google has made the latest move in its game of musical chairs, today announcing its former senior vice president of ads and commerce Susan Wojcicki will be the new head of YouTube.

Published in Recruitment
Monday, 03 February 2014 11:33

Tony Abbott banned from YouTube

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has come under a lot of pressure for backtracking on his election promises, and video sharing site YouTube seems to agree, taking down one of his videos over the weekend for "deceptive content."

Published in Government Tech Policy
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 11:13

Creating memes is illegal

Your favourite pastime of creating grumpy cat memes is illegal under Australian copyright law, which is being described as "outdated" and "killing creativity" according to a new video.

Published in Government Tech Policy
Monday, 04 November 2013 12:46

Anonymous targets Queensland premier

Queensland premier Campbell Newman has had his mobile phone number and home address leaked online amid bitter controversy over his new "fascist" anti-biking laws.

Published in Government Tech Policy

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