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Displaying items by tag: Teenagers

With students soon returning to school after the summer holidays, many with their own mobile phones for the first time, lots of parents will be navigating new conversations with their teens about how to stay safe online as the new school year begins. Here's guidance how to broach the topic, from Snapchat's global head of platform safety Jacqueline Beauchere.

Published in Home Tech

Two teenagers have been found guilty of involvement in a number of attacks that included breahes of Uber, Nvidia and Rockstar Games, the BBC reported.

Published in Security

Police in the UK have charged two of the seven teenagers they arrested on 25 March on the charge of being connected to the Lapsus$ group that has been in the news recently over attacks on Samsung, Microsoft and Okta.

Published in Security

Two Israeli teenagers, who have been alleged to have co-founded and run a company used for launching distributed denial of service attacks, have been arrested and indicted on conspiracy and hacking charges.

Published in Security
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 14:21

Kids Helpline moves to social media in 'world first'

Kids Helpline is today launching what it describes as a world first - a project to provide online group counselling to Aussie teens through social media.

Published in Home Tech

The number of Australia teenagers accessed the Internet with their mobile phones has trebled over the last four years.

Published in Mobility

The tried and true method of naming and shaming is coming under fire after a US mother tried to teach her daughter why she couldn't have a Facebook or Instagram account, by publicly shaming her in a picture.

Published in Security
Monday, 28 October 2013 15:12

Facebook offered $1 billion for Snapchat

Facebook reportedly offered one billion dollars in a bid to acquire massively popular photo-sharing app Snapchat, as it looks to capture the fledgling yet lucrative teenage market.

Published in Deals
Thursday, 17 October 2013 12:41

Facebook now allowing teens to go public

Facebook has continued to toy with its privacy settings, this time in a potentially controversial move allowing 13 to 17-year olds to post publicly.

Published in Listed Tech
Friday, 02 September 2011 18:13

Makebook makes light work of English

A new piece of online software, with a name suspiciously similar to a leading laptop product, has been launched with the specific aim of helping high school students out with their English skills.

Published in Home Tech
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 20:34

Facebook faces fresh fears over leaked data

A new report from Symantec has revealed that potentially millions of Facebook users have been vulnerable to misuse of information by Facebook advertisers for years.

Published in Home Tech
Wednesday, 13 April 2011 14:23

Tweens taken for a ride by Twilight trick

Teenage Facebook users are falling victim to a scam related to hit film Twilight: Breaking Dawn, with their accounts being compromised and then sending the scam onto their friends.

Published in Home Tech

Research released today reveals significant benefits to young people through social networking, which helps them to build relationships with the world around them and increases their sense of community and belonging.'¨'¨

Published in Home Tech

Some of Australia's internet superpowers are combining to fight cyber bullying, in the form of a new cyber-safety committee that will be available for public observation.

Published in Home Tech
Tuesday, 29 September 2009 19:24

Parenting style important to safe teen driving

A study performed by the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that parenting style is very important in the driving style of teenagers. Specifically, teenagers that have their own car are twice as dangerous as teenagers that share a car with a parent.

Published in Health
Monday, 14 September 2009 10:03

Facebook's a riot, literally

Fresh from saving two girls from an Adelaide drain, the changing face of Facebook has taken another turn after the website was used to organise a racially-charged riot in NSW last week.

Published in Home Tech
Monday, 07 September 2009 10:47

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Facebook?

Facebook... Is there anything it can't do? Two girls were rescued from an Adelaide drain last night after alerting friends through their saviour, Facebook.

Published in Entertainment
Sunday, 06 September 2009 10:19

New VicRoads iPhone app crashes into App Store

VicRoads today launched a new iPhone application designed to educate younger drivers about the dangers of using their mobile phones while driving. Will it race up the charts, or crash and burn?

Published in Entertainment
A study conducted in the Netherlands shows that almost all teenagers (90%) use MP3 devices in the Netherlands. However, only about 7% of adolescents out of 48% that listen to music at high volumes use noise-limiting devices. The Dutch researchers call it risky behavior.

Published in Health
Teenagers need to be much more aware of the legal and potential criminal implications of sexting – sending inappropriate images – of themselves over the Internet to friends, or even placing their photos on social networking sites like Facebook, according to a cyber safety expert.

Published in Security
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