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Displaying items by tag: April

With all the rumours flying left, right and centre that 2021 iMacs are due to launch this month, alongside the much anticipated AirTags, new AirPods, new iPad Pros and a new Apple TV, one leaker suggests the new iMacs will have a 12-core M1X processor.

Published in Home Tech

April 2021 heralds a new age in personal anti-gravity technology, expressly designed for entertainment, rather than the floating beds and devices to transfer large items around as seen in sci-fi movies and TV shows, but how this technology evolves is yet to be seen.

Published in Home Tech

Unsurprisingly, the number of online job advertisements have taken a mighty tumble in April, with the website SEEK reporting that ads fell 65.5% year-on-year and 49.9% compared to the March 2020 figures.

Published in Recruitment

If you are content with talking to Telstra via text chat only and strictly self-managing your account (but with full text-chat support), Telstra's Mx Go Mobile Plus Online BYO plans are an interesting MVNO alternative.

Published in Telecoms & NBN
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 13:39

Apple Watch - launching March but shipping April?

Let’s face it, Apple tech is so popular that just because it launches doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get it on day one, with the Watch no exception.

Published in Mobility

Optus 4Gives Australians a better 4G network in 2015 and doesn’t want you to 4Get it, with 700MHz 4G connectivity and ‘plans’ to cover 90% of Australia’s population with 4G by April.

Published in Telecoms & NBN

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