iTWire heard from the Senior Director of Adobe Experience Cloud, Brian Glover, who explained how Ai in marketing was working alongside B2B 3.0.
iTWire listened to Global Chief Design Officer for IBM Consulting, Billy Seabrook, explain how his company works with Adobe, internally and with partners.
iTWire heard Adobe executives Govind Balakrishnan (SVP and GM, Adobe Express) and Pierre Tapia (Director, Adobe Express) talk about Adobe Express.
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Australian telecommunications company, Astrotel, has launched the first IP Transit Over Cloud (IPTOC) service running on Alkira globally, which builds on the exclusive Asia Pacific…
British telco BT’s home phone scam protection service Enhanced Call Protect on Digital Voice has intercepted more than 2.4 million scam and identified 17.7 million…
Melbourne-based internet service provider Leaptel has chosen telecommunications company Superloop to provide virtual network to network interface (VNNI) backhaul to 121 NBN point of interconnects…
Bangladesh-based mobile communication service provider Grameenphone has deployed Ericsson’s Mediation solution which collects, processes, and mediates volumes of data generated on how its network is…

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