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Displaying items by tag: AFL

Friday, 17 February 2012 13:20

Xbox 360 FOXTEL now with Live AFL games

When the cable TV service FOXTEL arrived as a service on the Microsoft Xbox 360 gaming console, many bemoaned the inability to stream live coverage of sport as a downfall of the idea.  Australian Football League (AFL) Xbox 360 owning fans can now get live action.

Published in Home Tech

Stephen Conroy, the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, is reportedly foreshadowing changes in the legislation to stop Optus offering its TV Now service, following the company's court win last week. Any changes are likely to whittle away at the exemption we currently enjoy to time-shift programs.

Published in Core Dump

Optus has moved to play down the implications of the copyright ruling on its 'TV Now' service for lucrative deals covering exclusive rights to deliver popular free-to-air content to mobile devices

Published in Entertainment

Telstra, the AFL and NRL have lost the first round in their battle to have the Optus TV Now service ruled in breach of the Copyright Act. However they are expected to appeal the court judgement handed down today.

Published in Cloud Computing
Friday, 20 May 2011 17:37

AFL on-demand on Samsung TVs

A new app for Samsung's Smart TV range provides on-demand access to AFL games.

Published in Entertainment
Thursday, 28 April 2011 15:45

Telstra tops TV with AFL

Telstra customers have come out big winners in the new agreement between the AFL and Telstra, with all matches available live to users with a Telstra T-Box, mobile phones or tablet from 2012.

Published in Mobility
Sunday, 03 April 2011 14:55

Fox Sports sends new iPad app onto the field

Fox Sports has released version 2 of its iPad app, promising an essential experience for big sports fans. Does it kick any goals, or come crashing down the ladder?

Thursday, 13 January 2011 08:45

BigPond TV delivering direct to TVs

If the extra digital TV channels such as 11 still don't give you enough choice or aren't to your taste, seven BigPond TV channels are now available via the Internet on certain Samsung (and soon LG) TVs.

Published in Entertainment
You know those skill-testing cranes at pubs, the ones that allow you to win a plush toy or chocolate bar?  Well brewer Carlton Draught has built a ten storey one at the Melbourne Cricket Ground to allow those travelling to the Australian Rules Football finals a chance to really test their skills.
Published in Entertainment
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 17:13

Acer smartphones arrive in Australia

Acer's new range of smartphones - including Android-based models - go on sale in Australia this month. There's even a Ferrari special edition phone for the well-heeled.

Published in Mobility
Kaspersky Labs is going into the football sponsorship business, announcing that it has signed a three year, multi-million dollar sponsorship deal with the AFL’s Melbourne Football Club, as part of its plans to raise the company’s profile in the Australian market.
Published in Deals
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