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Displaying items by tag: Kingston

Global memory and storage manufacturer Kingston says USB storage doesn't have to be bland or meh - its stunning red XS1000 SSD is blazing fast while looking magnificent.

Friday, 02 February 2024 10:23

Telstra overhauls Peninsula Health’s IT system

Telecommunications company Telstra has signed a $1.6 million contract with Peninsula Health to replace the public health service’s existing IT systems across its 13 hospital and healthcare sites with more resilient technology, Cisco SDWAN, faster internet, and simplify contracts and processes to drive efficiency.

Published in Business Telecoms

Full of sound and fury signifying what Kingston says is the kickstarting of a gaming revolution, Kingston’s new FURY branded memory comes in three flavours - FURY Renegade, FURY Beast and FURY Impact. 

Published in Home Tech

Kingston Technology has launched its new NV1 NVMe PCIe SSD, promising efficient performance in a single-sided M.2 design, making it an "ideal entry-level drive for first-time NVMe users with laptops and small form factor PCs."

Published in Home Tech
Friday, 13 January 2017 15:01

Kingston releases biggest USB thumb drive

Kingston has released the world’s largest capacity USB, its 2TB, USB 3.1, DataTraveler Ultimate GT (Generation Terabyte).

Kingston has released its DataTraveler, a 32GB USB, a collector’s item replete with a rose gold laser cut rooster and USB 3.1 extreme speeds, to mark the Chinese Year of the Rooster.

We all carry at least one when travelling – the ubiquitous flash drive. We all lose them occasionally and fervently hope there was nothing too important on it.

Published in Security

Available in 16, 32 and soon 64GB capacity the class 3 microSD supports up to 4K/30fps video and burst mode action photography.

Published in Books

The release of a high capacity, 16GB, DDR4 ‘notebook’ SODIMM is good news for gamers and power users using Intels latest CPUs.

Published in Home Tech
Saturday, 05 March 2016 15:34

Kingston acquires IronKey, encrypted USB storage

Kingston has acquired IronKey from Imation Corp in February. It has detailed its plans for this encrypted storage brand.

Published in Security
Wednesday, 20 January 2016 11:39

Clever Monkey

You will soon be regaled with the Monkey’s prowess – in this the Chinese year of the Monkey.

Kingston’s new Enterprise grade SSD is 15 times faster than a HDD and comes in 128GB-1TB capacities.

Q: How to move files to or from your iOS or Android device
A: Kingston’ Wireless Family sets up a Wi-Fi SSID and allows transfers to and from any smart device to external storage – it will even recharge your smart device.

Friday, 08 January 2016 12:43

Kingston adds pin pad to flash drive

Independent world leader in memory products Kingston has released the DataTraveler 2000 encrypted USB Flash drive with hardware encryption and PIN protection via an alphanumeric keypad.

Published in Security
Saturday, 05 December 2015 16:31

HyperX is HyperFast

It is now possible for a flash drive to jump to HyperX speed – 350MB/s read and 250MB/s write – that is fast!

Published in Home Tech
Wednesday, 14 October 2015 12:13

HyperX to explode at PAX

HyperX, a division of Kingston Technology memory products will sponsor and participate at the PAX Australia event on October 30th to November 1st 2015, at Melbourne’s Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Published in Home Tech
Wednesday, 03 June 2015 17:16

Macbook in a flash

The new Macbook has one USB-C type connector. Kingston have released a dual USB C and USB 3.1 flash drive in 16, 32, and 64GB capacities to work with it.

Published in Home Tech
Tagged under
Friday, 10 April 2015 17:09

Interest growing in Windows To Go: Imation

Windows To Go devices are a growing business for Imation Mobile Security, business development manager Elizabeth Parsons told iTWire.

If you’re going to record 4K video, you’ll need a microSD card that can cope with all that data at ultra high speeds, with Kingston’s new cards delivering the goods.

Published in Mobility
Wednesday, 11 April 2012 14:51

'Budget' SSD from Kingston

Kingston's new HyperX 3K SSD range is aimed at those looking for performance without the big pricetag usually associated with SSDs.

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