GUEST OPINION: In an era where innovation defines industry leadership, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly shifted from being a speculative investment to a critical tool for achieving business efficiencies, cost savings, and customer engagement.
COMPANY NEWS: Strengthens award-winning RevealX platform with new AI features to accelerate threat detection and response
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT: Mantel Group through its AWS specialist practice, CMD Solutions, announces today that it has achieved the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Resilience Services Competency in the Resilience Design category. This specialisation recognises Mantel Group as an AWS Partner that provides validated solutions to help customers improve their critical systems availability and resilience posture using AWS Resilience Services.
A research team which includes a scientist from Flinders University has devised a means of analysing very small amounts of DNA to identify the origins of old ivory, a development that could be used to thwart international ivory poachers.
The latest member of GPU vendor Nvidia's Jetson family of modules for embedded systems is the Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier.
The human genome consists of seven billion DNA base pairs and it takes 100GB to represent the unique sequence for a person. Australian National University researchers have turned to the cloud to enable clinical applications.
A lot of attention is paid to making data accessible as quickly as possible, but that comes at a price. There are situations — typically driven by regulations — where it is necessary to store data beyond the period during which you expect to use it.
Set to provide “editorial services and rich metadata for over 150 TV channels in Finnish, English and Swedish” and more, for Finnish cable TV company DNA, Ericsson is masterful at media.
Based on DNA found in frozen bones of mammoth in Siberia, scientists have been able to recreate the main blood protein, haemoglobin and demonstrate how the animals could survive in the cold where humans could not.
For most developers the security/performance trade off is still the hardest one to tackle, even as the cost of processing[…]
RISC has been overhyped. While it is an interesting low-level processor architecture, what the world needs is high-level system architectures,[…]
There are two flaws that are widespread in the industry here. The first is that any platform or language should[…]
Ajai Chowdhry, one of the founders and CEO of HCL is married to a cousin of a cousin of mine.[…]
I wonder when they will implement all of this, and what the pricing plans will be.FWIW, these days the proposed[…]