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Displaying items by tag: Brain

AI just got a reality check. Cortical Labs has officially launched the world’s first commercial biological computer, the CL1, and it’s set to shake up everything from medical science to robotics.

Published in Science

Australian company Synchron was a finalist in the European Inventor Awards for its work in improving the quality of life for those living with severe paralysis and other neurological disorders.

Published in Health

Audio and video brand EPOS studied the impact of poor audio quality on the productivity of remote workers. The research found that poor audio quality needs our brains to work harder to process information, and that the brain undergoes significant strain when struggling to process digital audio when compared to sounds in a physical environment.

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The main bacteria that cause chronic gum disease may be behind Alzheimer's disease, a report claims, based on a study carried out by Cortexyme, a pharmaceutical company in San Francisco.

Published in Health
Wednesday, 15 June 2011 11:35

Mobile phones: a direct line to the grim reaper?

With all the controversy having been rung up over the safety of our mobile phones, should you put your smartphone usage on divert, or is the controversy just a missed call in a telephone-shaped teacup?

Published in Mobility

Although scientists have long thought that cholesterol levels in the body were controlled solely by diet and liver production, a new study lead by a University of Cincinnati researcher has discovered that the brain also actively controls cholesterol levels.


Published in Health

A 2010 U.S. study has shown that people with high levels of fat around their organs are more likely to have a smaller brain volume, which is a strong indication of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Published in Health
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 00:46

Napping can make you smarter. Einstein napped!

According to new U.S. research, an afternoon nap refreshes your brain and makes you more likely to learn new information. Albert Einstein was one of many very smart people that took frequent afternoon naps. See!

Published in Health
U.S. medical researchers state they have developed a new neuroimaging technique called PIB-PET, which they say could detect the early onset of Alzheimer's disease in living humans.

Published in Health
Wednesday, 09 December 2009 03:59

Less cancer deaths in U.S. for both men and women

According to a national health report that came out early in December 2009, diagnoses and deaths from cancer have generally decreased over the last several years for people in the United States.

Published in Health
Wednesday, 02 December 2009 18:44

See live brain dissection on Web

The world’s first live Webcast brain dissection will occur at 1300 GMT (8:00 a.m. Central Standard Time) on Wednesday, December 2, 2009.

Published in Biology
Saturday, 28 November 2009 22:48

High-fat diet reduces anxiety and depression

According to an Australian study performed on young rats, the eating of 'comfort foods',--that is, high-fat foods--can likely reverse the damaging effects of early trauma, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, in humans.

Published in Health
Monday, 26 October 2009 05:40

Mobile-cancer debate revived by study: report

A British newspaper has revived the debate over mobile phones and cancer by reporting that an investigation overseen by the World Health Organisation found that heavy users may have a higher risk of developing tumours later in life.
Published in Mobility
Tuesday, 20 October 2009 22:35

Senior brains get a Web boost

U.S. researchers found that even after only one week using the Internet, the brains of older adults are stimulated enough to provide good mental exercise, along with strengthening their ability to reason.

Published in Health
Friday, 24 April 2009 18:48

Early risers sleepier in evenings

A Belgium study involving sleep and circadian rhythm found the brain is continually trying to balance the circadian signal (when you want to naturally sleep and be awake) and homeostatic pressure (the counting of the number of hours during sleep and while awake). This battle determines if you are more attentive during the afternoons and evenings.

Published in Biology
Friday, 17 April 2009 19:09

Musical instruments improve brain

A U.S.-German study has shown that the structure of the brain changes when children work hard at developing musical skills. Maybe the old saying still applies: "Practice makes perfect."

Published in Biology
Wednesday, 25 March 2009 21:04

Thin brained people more at risk for depression

According to a U.S. research team study, the thinning of the cortex of the brain means that you may have inherited an increased risk of depression from your ancestors.

Published in Biology
According to new U.S. research, humans reach their peak of mental abilities at the age of 22 years, and begin to age with respect to their brain’s ability to think and reason in their twenties. The research is not without its critics, but it does make a person think--or, at least, try to think on a subpar level if you're over 27 years of age.

Published in Biology
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 19:54

Study finds Ritalin risky for pleasure addiction

According to New York researchers, the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medicine Ritalin increases the risk of addiction to people who take it for pleasure or for performance enhancement because it causes brain changes in its addiction centers.

Published in Biology
Sunday, 04 January 2009 21:47

Rich and poor children use brains differently

For the first time, a scientific study, which was performed in the United States, has identified that the brains of low-income children work, on average, less efficiently than the brains of high-income children when performing problem-solving tasks. The good news is that the difference can be corrected.

Published in Biology
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