Acquired by Motorola Solutions in 2024, Noggin helps enterprises and critical infrastructure anticipate, prepare for, and efficiently respond to incidents. The report, put out by independent research and advisory firm, Verdantix provides a detailed, fact-based benchmark of 10 of the most prominent operational resilience software providers.
Noggin earned a coveted spot in the Leaders’ Quadrant, the top momentum score for its vision and commercial strategy, as well as the highest scores for the following four functional capabilities, supply chain risk management, workforce and talent risk management, physical asset risk management, and operational risk management (ORM).
The company’s integrated platform offers flexible workflows and checklists, built-in maps, and situational awareness dashboards to help streamline incident management and strengthen business resilience.
“In our assessment, the Noggin platform stands out as an adaptable software solution, particularly beneficial for organisations in the early stages of building their resilience architecture or those needing customised solutions tailored to specific industry requirements,” assessed Elizabeth Babalola, Industry Analyst, Verdantix, with Katelyn Johnson, Principal Analyst, Verdantix. “Existing users consistently highlight Noggin’s intuitive interface, extensive configurability and user-friendly design, all of which make it an attractive choice for businesses seeking flexibility.”
“Noggin has a long heritage in resilience,” said James Boddam-Whetham, General Manager, Noggin. “The report now identifies the growing trend towards consolidating resilience efforts within a unified, cohesive framework, such as Noggin’s integrated resilience offering. Now as a Motorola Solutions company, Noggin is even better placed to continue to help organizations globally to capitalize on this trend, by not only better understanding their business processes but also enhancing their ability to respond more efficiently to business disruption.”
Download the full report here.