Displaying items by tag: Machine identity

GUEST RESEARCH:  77% of security leaders view securing machine identities as vital to protecting the future of AI  

Published in Guest Research

Venafi, a CyberArk Company, announced today the general availability of its SaaS machine identity security product portfolio, including  TLS Protect Cloud, TLS Protect for Kubernetes and Venafi Firefly, in Australia.

Published in Security

GUEST OPINION: It's likely that many IT security teams didn't get much sleep during the past year. From ransomware and supply-chain attacks to email compromise and IoT incidents, the battle against cybercriminals was relentless.

Published in Guest Opinion
Thursday, 20 October 2022 11:29

cert-manager graduates to CNCF incubating project

COMPANY NEWS: Venafi, the inventor and leader of machine identity management today announced that the open source cert-manager project has graduated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubation program. The incubation program will help cert-manager widen its community of contributors, expand to new use cases, improve extensibility and advance developer and user experience.

Published in Company news

GUEST RESEARCH: Venafi, the inventor and leading provider of machine identity management, today announced the findings of new research that evaluates the complexity of cloud environments and its impact on cybersecurity. The study found that 75% of organisations have experienced a cloud-related security incident over the last 12 months, with more than one in three (37%) suffering at least four incidents. The underlying issue for these security incidents is the dramatic increase in security and operational complexity connected with cloud deployments. And, since the organisations in this study currently host two fifths (39%) of their applications in the cloud but expect increase to 57% over the next 18 months, this complexity will continue to increase.

Published in Guest Research

GUEST OPINION: When senior managers consider the best ways to protect their IT assets, it can be tempting for them to focus on tactics that will ward off brute-force attacks.

Published in Guest Opinion

A survey conducted for machine identity management specialist Venafi found that CIOs expect the average number of machine identities per organisation to grow from 250,000 at the end of 2021 to more than 500,000 by 2024.

Published in Security
Tuesday, 19 February 2019 11:03

Venafi offers grants to local developers

Certificate and key management specialist Venafi would like to see Australian and New Zealand developers benefit from its Machine Identity Protection Fund.

Published in Security

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