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Displaying items by tag: Bacteria

Tuesday, 05 October 2021 12:15

Landmark trial eliminates pest mosquito

An international collaboration between Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, University of Queensland (UQ), Verily Life Sciences, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and James Cook University (JCU) has shown a bacteria can successfully sterilise and eradicate the invasive, disease carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito which is responsible for spreading dengue, yellow fever and Zika. 

Published in Health

International experts from Australia and India have described for the first time how healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells, opening what they say is a new avenue of research to improve future plant health and propagation efforts – including food crops such as grains and fruit such as grapes.

Published in Biology
Monday, 13 January 2014 12:42

Phones more germy than public toilets

Your smartphone could be holding 18 times the bacteria found in a public toilet according to research released at CES this week.

Published in Mobility
Saturday, 16 October 2010 13:12

Newsflash: Planet Earth and iPhones have germs!

OMG! Scientists make the earth shattering discovery that the screens of iPhones, iPads and other smart devices can carry germs, whether through display in stores or by the sharing of devices prompting calls for hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial wipes, but while hygiene is always welcome, isn't the whole thing a bit of a beat up?

Published in Mobility
Friday, 05 February 2010 03:35

Do you want bacteria with your pre-washed salad?

According to an investigation by Consumer Reports, packaged salads that are commonly found in grocery stores, which are supposedly washed several times, were found to sometimes contain "high levels of bacteria."

Published in Health
According to a study performed in Virginia, U.S. researchers found coliform bacteria (fecal material) in just under 50% of the soda fountain machines inspected in restaurants and fast food places. Maybe the term “soda pop”  should be changed to “soda poop” when coming out of soda fountain machines? Ugh!!

Published in Health
Although many factors contribute to weight gain, U.S. microbiologist Jeffrey Gordon has been collecting evidence to show that the type of foods eaten changes the composition of bacteria in the gut. Whether you have a low-fat or high-fat diet is very influential on your body’s ability to gain weight, and to lose it, too.

Published in Health
Friday, 06 November 2009 21:45

Got bacteria? Yes, and you are unique!

To find out how people differ with respect to bacteria and the onset of human diseases, researchers from Colorado and Missouri checked out 27 different locations on healthy adults. What they found out may surprise you!

Published in Biology
Sunday, 13 September 2009 18:23

MRSA, a super-resistant germ, hits the beach

A University of Washington study has found the bacterium Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, in marine water and beach sand on the coast of Washington and California—the first time the superbug has ever been discovered on beaches.

Published in Health
A NASA-funded study has hypothesized that about 2.5 billion years ago two types of single-celled microbes came together to produce a new organism that was (for the first time) able to take in sunlight to produce oxygen. At a time in which Earth did not have oxygen in its atmosphere, this newly formed creature produced oxygen and, subsequently, made it possible for humans to exist.

Published in Biology
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 18:13

Sandy hands may harbor bacteria

A study performed by researchers of the U.S. Geological Survey found that beach sand contains bacteria from fecal matter and various viruses.

Published in Health
A drug called Rapamycin is injected into humans to help lessen the rejection of a new organ. However, U.S. scientists found that it significantly extends the lifespan of invertebrates, and now mammals (mice). They are excited because further research may produce a way to delay the onset of cancer and other aging disease and, thus, produce longer lives in humans.

Published in Biology
National Institutes of Health researchers reveal that about one thousand species of bacteria like to call your skin their home. However, on the bright side, most of the bacteria are helpful for a healthy body.

Published in Biology
NASA took up some Salmonella germs on the space shuttle and found they were many times more nasty than when they were grown here on Earth. Now, scientists are figuring out why. And, it may help us to control the bacteria when it invades our bodies and makes us sick.

Published in Health
Friday, 30 January 2009 22:22

Dogs' health at risk from human germs

A Kansas State University study has learned that humans are much more likely to spread germs to dogs (primarily through poor hand-washing hygiene) than are dogs likely to share germs while licking their owners' faces and other dog bonding behaviors.

Published in Health
University of Arizona researchers analyzed the number and kinds of germs found on grocery store shopping carts. They discovered that their handles contain more bacteria, fecal matter, and saliva than do public toilets.

Published in Health
Friday, 07 November 2008 20:10

Hand in the verdict: Women have dirtier palms

A University of Colorado study has found that the palms of women’s hands are germier than the palms of men’s hands. The average female palm had about 150 different species of bacteria on it, much more than previously estimated by scientistst. Oh, gross!

Published in Health
Michigan State University researchers have found evolutionary evidence for the development of novel, complicated traits while observing about 44,000 generations of bacteria over twenty years.
Published in Biology
According to a New Scientist article, NASA researchers found one hundred species of terrestrial bacteria in the assembly room of the Phoenix Mars Lander.

Published in Space
Friday, 09 May 2008 10:20

Have you cleaned your keyboard today?

When I saw the recent spate of newspaper and web headlines about germs on keyboards I thought they most likely originated from a study performed by or on behalf of a company that sells cleaning products. But that wasn't the case.

Published in Core Dump
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