An international collaboration between Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, University of Queensland (UQ), Verily Life Sciences, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and James Cook University (JCU) has shown a bacteria can successfully sterilise and eradicate the invasive, disease carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito which is responsible for spreading dengue, yellow fever and Zika.
International experts from Australia and India have described for the first time how healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells, opening what they say is a new avenue of research to improve future plant health and propagation efforts – including food crops such as grains and fruit such as grapes.
Your smartphone could be holding 18 times the bacteria found in a public toilet according to research released at CES this week.
OMG! Scientists make the earth shattering discovery that the screens of iPhones, iPads and other smart devices can carry germs, whether through display in stores or by the sharing of devices prompting calls for hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial wipes, but while hygiene is always welcome, isn't the whole thing a bit of a beat up?
For most developers the security/performance trade off is still the hardest one to tackle, even as the cost of processing[…]
RISC has been overhyped. While it is an interesting low-level processor architecture, what the world needs is high-level system architectures,[…]
There are two flaws that are widespread in the industry here. The first is that any platform or language should[…]
Ajai Chowdhry, one of the founders and CEO of HCL is married to a cousin of a cousin of mine.[…]
I wonder when they will implement all of this, and what the pricing plans will be.FWIW, these days the proposed[…]