Were this a TV show, we might have well heard the following proclamation:
"Ruslan of the House of Kogan, the Latest of His Name, The Unburnt by Bill Shock, King of the Phone Deals, the Phoner for the First Men and Women, King of Phoneen, Koganeeso of the Great Sea of Mobile Coverage, Protector of the Value Realm, Sir Regnant of the Seven MVNO Kingdoms, Breaker of Price Chains and Father of Dragon You Towards The Best Value."
It is with this backdrop, and Kogan Mobile’s fierce fight for supremacy in the value space against fellow claimant to the Iron Throne, Vaya, and all other pretenders, that the great Game of Phones continues raging in real life.
Sifting through the newly mined dragon stone, Kogan has struck a death blow to plans in the $26.90 price range, with the extra large 90-day plan offering
The extra large 90-day plan offer “unlimited standard national calls and texts and 14GB of data every 30 days works out to $26.90 per month". This means $80.70 pre-paid for the 90-day period.
For citizens of the realm needing “slightly less data, the large 90-day plan works out to $19.90 per month, which offers unlimited standard national calls and texts and 10GB of data". That means $59.70 pre-paid for the 90-day period.
As is the case with Vaya’s plans, these plans are designed to tempt long suffering citizens into changing allegiances, and thus are aimed at new Kogan Mobile customers only.
It means, of course, that after you’ll revert to the regular $36.90 price per 30 days for the large plan, and $49.90 for the extra large plan, but discounts are still on offer if you purchase those plans in 90 day or 365 increments, as is currently the case, and which without the deals are already competitively priced.
And as per usual, there is a limited time available to strike while the iron is hot, with Kogan Mobile’s forces at the ready with this deal until 11:59PM AEST on 17 August, unless the deal is “otherwise extended".
Naturally, the King of the Kogan proclaims to one and all that “there has never been a better time to switch and experience all the benefits Kogan Mobile has to offer, including huge amounts of data at rock-bottom prices".
And because citizens of the Australian realm “are using more data than ever before, to stay in touch with friends and family, be entertained, and remain productive on the go”, Kogan Mobile proclaims it “is proud to play its part in driving down the price of access for Australian mobile customers”, although would you expect any aspirant for supremacy upon the Iron Phone Throne to say anything different?
After all, with no bill shock, as per Kogan’s voluminous and telephonic title, and seamless switching to Kogan Mobile (which every MVNO can promise), making the change to a better deal has never been easier. It simply depends on where your loyalties lie in the great Game of Phones, and where you can get the best deal and value for you.
Again, King of the Kogan wants citizens to know of his Kogan.com Kingdom’s “mission to make the most in-demand consumer goods and services more accessible and affordable for everyone”, and proudly boasts “these deals on Kogan Mobile access follow the recent announcement of Kogan NBN, and this week’s launch of Kogan Insurance".
All plans including these two new deals are here.
The full T&Cs for the plans are here.
Whichever way you play in the great Game, may you always phone in a serious win!