Battery manufacturer Redflow is collaborating with the University of Queensland in a research project aimed at extending the operational ability of the company’s zinc bromine flow battery.
Britain’s Swansea University has selected Australian-listed energy storage technology company Redflow’s ZBM2 zinc-bromine flow battery technology as the energy storage backbone for its renewable energy Active Building demonstrator classroom.
Australian-listed energy storage technology company Redflow has deployed a battery-based energy storage system to boost energy independence and save thousands a year in diesel costs at Yallalong Station, a 348,000-hectare cattle property 650km north of Perth.
Australian-listed energy storage technology company Redflow has been chosen by the New Zealand Rural Connectivity Group (RCG) to provide zinc-bromine flow batteries to store energy in off-grid telecommunication sites in remote rural locations.
Australian-listed energy storage technology company Redflow has secured an agreement with telco Mobax South Africa to provide batteries to test as a solution for mobile phone towers owned by a leading South African mobile network provider.
Australian battery storage company Redflow has announced that its partner in Thailand, TSUS Group, has successfully deployed 10 Redflow ZBM2 zinc-bromine flow batteries to store and supply energy for a remote village in northern Thailand.
Listed Australian battery company Redflow is raising $18.1 million in equity capital, with the funds to be used to scale up battery production and to grow Australian and international sales.
Australian battery company Redflow has appointed an experienced telecommunications executive, Tim Harris, as its new chief executive, to lead the company through its next stage of growth and commercialisation.
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