Displaying items by tag: Eastern Health

Melbourne's Eastern Health which was hit by a network attack on 17 March is still struggling to cope, with many systems still offline.

Published in Security

Melbourne's Eastern Health, which runs a number of healthcare units including the Box Hill and Maroondah Hospitals, says it is slowly recovering from a network attack that it reported last Wednesday.

Published in Security

Melbourne's Eastern Health is still experiencing what it describes as "significant impacts" due to a network attack that it announced last Wednesday.

Published in Security

The likelihood of ransomware having impacted upon Eastern Health's ability to perform some surgeries has attracted some commentary from KnowBe4, which bills itself as "the world's first and largest New-school security awareness training and simulated phishing platform" that helps organisation manage the ongoing problem of social engineering.

Published in Security

Hospitals across the east of Melbourne have been forced offline and some surgeries have been cancelled following a network attack on Eastern Health.

Published in Security

Healthcare workforce management software provider Allocate Software has inked a five-year contract with one of Melbourne’s largest metropolitan public health services, Eastern Health, for the implementation of a rostering and time and attendance system.

Published in Deals
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 13:04

Healthy start for NEC in Box Hill Hospital deployment

NEC has successfully implemented the core ICT infrastructure for Victoria’s newly opened $447.5 million redevelopment of Eastern Health’s Box Hill Hospital.

Published in Enterprise Solutions

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