The AlmaLinux Foundation, which produces the community-owned and governed CentOS alternative AlmaLinux, has announced support for the Raspberry Pi.
The AlmaLinux OS Foundation has announced the general availability of AlmaLinux 8.10, a community-owned open-source alternative to CentOS.
Three software engineers from CIQ, a Linux company, have found that the kernels shipped by commercial firms have more unpatched flaws than the upstream stable kernel which is maintained by Linux developer Greg Kroah-Hartman.
The organisation that builds Rocky Linux, an enterprise Linux distribution that emerged in the wake of Red Hat's decision to block availability of its source code to the public, has announced an initiative called CIQ Bridge which it describes as "a lifeline for enterprises still using CentOS Linux 7".
The AlmaLinux OS Foundation has announced the release of AlmaLinux 9.4 just a week after the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4, with hardware support for those devices deprecated in RHEL.
The AlmaLinux OS Foundation, a non-profit that oversees development of the CentOS alternative AlmaLinux, has launched its newest special interest group that will focus on the needs of the high-performance computing and artificial intelligence community within AlmaLinux.
The ELevate project at AlmaLinux, one of the main distributions that aim to provide a replacement for CentOS, has been expanded to provide support for those who wish to migrate from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7.
Enterprises which have been running CentOS 7 will have to look around for alternatives before the end of the Australian financial year as the distribution reaches its end-of-life on 30 June.
After the recent changes in source code availability enforced by the IBM-owned Red Hat, enterprise Linux is likely to take a different path to that which it was following when the standard was being a downstream rebuild of RHEL, the chair of AlmaLinux OS Foundation, one of the distributions that sprang up after Red Hat discontinued CentOS, says.
Red Hat has given an indication of how desperate it is to spread its views, about the latest act of making the source of its RHEL distribution available only to paying customers, that it is paying to have its executives interviewed.
The chairman of the board at AlmaLinux, one of the distributions that sprang up after Red Hat discontinued CentOS, has admitted that it would not be possible to continue providing a 1:1 binary copy of RHEL.
Database giant Oracle Corporation has joined the scrum of companies commenting on Red Hat's move to tighten its hold on the source code for its enterprise Linux distribution, claiming it appeared to be driven by a desire to eliminate competitors.
German open source vendor SUSE has said it will invest more than US$10 million (A$14.97 million) to fork the publicly available source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and make it available to world+dog with no restrictions.
The third stage has been reached in camouflaging open source vendor Red Hat's new curbs on access to the source code for its enterprise Linux distribution.
German open source vendor SUSE says it will not be making any changes to its policies on source code access, emphasising "that the freedom to access, modify, and distribute software should remain open to all".
Open source vendor Red Hat has decided to drop the free office suite LibreOffice from its distributions — the commercial RHEL and the community Fedora offerings — as it is short of developer hours to maintain the suite, a developer says.
German open-source firm SUSE has announced it will be releasing Liberty Linux, a distribution that is intended to fill the gap left by CentOS, a business-focused distribution that was killed off by its owner Red Hat in December 2020.
Companies that are using CentOS 8 have three options open to them as they contemplate their next move in view of the fact that only a few months of support remain for this Linux distribution.
Enterprise-grade open source software provider SUSE announced the latest news in its SUSE Linux Enterprise product, as well as new edge computing and hybrid IT solutions during this week’s SUSECON Digital 2021 conference.
An intrusion campaign which targets monitoring software from the French company CENTREON has been reported to have breached several French institutions between late 2017 and 2020. The systems that were hit were running CentOS, a free version of Red Hat's Enterprise Linux distribution.
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I wonder when they will implement all of this, and what the pricing plans will be.FWIW, these days the proposed[…]