"Steve is an accomplished leader who is dedicated to our cause of keeping customers safe," said co-president Michael DeCesare. "He has an impressive track record of double digit growth quarters in Asia Pacific for McAfee across all four segments - consumer, small and medium business, commercial and enterprise.
"He has been instrumental in driving a strong people based culture in APAC which has been recognised internally and externally as one of the best in the industry and beyond."
Before joining McAfee, Mr Redman was vice president for Asia Pacific at EMC, and previously worked for Rockwell Electronic Commerce, Lucent Technologies, and Fuji Xerox.
Mr DeCesare praised Joe Sexton, Mr Redman's predecessor, who left McAfee to lead a technology company that does not compete with McAfee.
"I want to express my deep appreciation to Joe for his energetic leadership and significant achievements within our sales organisation and on behalf of McAfee," said DeCesare. "I wish him well in his new job leading a start-up."
Ms Redman joins the company from Yahoo!, where she was acting chief marketing officer and senior vice president, global brand strategy and marketing at Yahoo.
She previously served as president and chief executive officer of Young & Rubicam Advertising and Wunderman Direct Marketing.
"She's had phenomenal success in branding and marketing a diverse range of global companies and she brings a strong, new marketing presence to this organisation.
"We continue to attract the finest talent, in part, because of our dedication to making a difference in the lives of our customers and communities."