The appropriately called BrainWave helmet is being demonstrated by Internode at an interactive event (Internode Powered by Brains) in Adelaide’s Rundle Mall today. The same event will be part of the Adelaide Fringe festival and WOMADelaide 2014 to be held in March. Passersby are being invited to don the BrainWave helmet that will turn their brain signals into music.
“For instance, we can detect the user’s level of calm, frustration or excitement and thus vary the tempo, filter positions or even the chords generated in the music,” explained the helmet inventor SKot.
“So a calm user might hear a slow tempo, with pleasing chords and an uncomplicated ‘arpeggiation’, whereas a frustrated, agitated user will hear a fast-paced piece with clashing chords and garish sounds.”
Based on the raw voltage produced by each electrode, the BrainWave software uses the input to control rhythmic and melodic elements, creating a piece of music that is as unique as each individual’s brainwaves.
iiNet Digital Marketing Manager Jane Orchard said the ‘Internode Powered by Brains’ event was “a brilliant way for anyone to play with technology. This will be a lot of fun.”
“We think it’ll really tap into the mindset of folk during Mad March when they're out and about taking in all the festivities at our Node-sponsored events such as the Fringe and WOMADelaide.
“It came from the idea that Internode is powered by hundreds of brilliant people, so we wanted to celebrate the power of the human brain to make amazing thing happen - and in this case it’s music!”
Internode’s Powered by Brains event for the Fringe and WOMADelaide 2014 will appear on Twitter under the hashtag #poweredbybrains.
For more information about Internode Powered by Brains, visit the Internode website