There’s a delightful irony in Star Wars’ infamous Death Star: for all its futuristic might, it was ultimately undone by a good old-fashioned exhaust port.…
In an industry that prides itself on innovation and forward-thinking, it's ironic that the leadership tiers of Information Technology remain strikingly homogeneous. Despite years of…
Cloudflare is on a mission to build a better Internet. And part of how it achieves this is through a wall of lava lamps. Yes,…
Snowflake has now released a feature allowing administrators to enforce MFA so users must enroll in it on login. Finally!
Cloud computing is the new normal for many enterprises. Yet, there are companies still to embrace the cloud, and there are companies who have lifted…
As a CIO, you know the importance of technology for your organization’s success. You also know the challenges of securing enough funding and resources to…
In this world of modern digital assistants it's become commonplace to call upon your device by name. However, it’s also caused suffering in the lives…
While the world scrambled to be GDPR-compliant it appears companies are barely striving to do the minimum when it comes to modern slavery laws and…
Once upon a time, a remote worker was a small number of people, most likely sales, who primarily operated on the road instead of one…
Microsoft has enabled what must surely be one of the most-requested features for Office 365 - the ability to send email from a proxy address,…

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