The agreement will allow Vix Vizion to bundle its Imagus facial recognition software and video analytics applications along with i-PRO EdgeAI Network Cameras for select end customers requiring tailored solutions which typically do not require video management systems.
“The partnership with Vix Vision is an important step forward, creating an open platform environment for Vix Vizion to embed and load their application and solutions on and bundle these solutions knowing that it will deliver best of breed in its class. The continued collaboration between Vix Vizion and i-PRO will keep pushing both development teams to accelerate technology and its capabilities for tomorrow,” said i-PRO APAC director Marius Van Der Merwe.
“I’m really pleased that we are partnering directly with the great i-PRO team and their awesome technology. This partnership really enhances the solution options and capabilities that we can deliver to our channel partners and customers,” said Vix Vizion CEO Simon Herron.
"Imagus Edge"- our new smart camera facial recognition algorithm for AI enabled cameras
With the increasing processing power of i-Pro AI engine cameras, Vix Vizion’s Imagus video analytics and facial recognition software has now been embedded with i-Pro AI engine S series cameras.
Initially providing the ability to detect faces, the transition of facial recognition algorithms from the server to the camera will allow a reduction in server GPU requirements. This type of edge-based architecture will provide additional savings to customers as the cost of server reduces.
See Vix Vizion on the i-PRO website Application List (
It is expected that the entire Imagus Facial Recognition algorithm including face detection and verification will soon be able to operate in these i-PRO AI enabled cameras when the next generation X Series Domes and Bullet cameras are released early next year. Exciting times.