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Displaying items by tag: Tech employees

  • 49% of Australian employers say job candidates are more demanding when it comes to salary this year compared to last year
  • 79% of employees say it has become more challenging to negotiate a pay rise this year compared to last year, while 92% of workers plan to ask for a pay rise this year
  • Workers want a pay rise to recognise they have consistently exceeded performance goals (38%), have taken on new projects and workload (37%) and to keep pace with the cost of living (31%)
  • If an increase is not granted this year, 40% of employees will be patient and maintain a good work ethic but 38% of workers will look for a new job

GUEST OPINION by Robert Half: Sustained inflation and increasing responsibilities are driving growing demands for higher salaries this year but tech employees are finding it challenging to negotiate an increase in pay, the newly released Robert Half 2025 Salary Guide reveals.

Published in Recruitment
Wednesday, 24 January 2018 09:28

Tech employees lacking in needed soft skills: survey

Soft skills, such as communication, collaboration, conflict resolution, and leadership, are seen to be important when it comes to hiring, but technology workers are lagging behind, a survey claims.

Published in Recruitment

UK tech employees are sounding a warning that if Britain votes to leave the European Union (EU) in the Brexit referendum, it will have a negative impact on the technology sector in the country, and, more broadly, on the global tech industry.

Published in Market

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