An uninformed comment on a Linux community blog has led to questions over the stability and finances of the Slackware GNU/Linux project, but its founder assures iTWire that the project is alive and kicking.
Twelve days ago, the computing pioneer Dennis Ritchie was found dead at the age of 70. News of his demise was broken to the world by a former colleague, Rob Pike, who worked alongside him at Bell Labs.
For most developers the security/performance trade off is still the hardest one to tackle, even as the cost of processing[…]
RISC has been overhyped. While it is an interesting low-level processor architecture, what the world needs is high-level system architectures,[…]
There are two flaws that are widespread in the industry here. The first is that any platform or language should[…]
Ajai Chowdhry, one of the founders and CEO of HCL is married to a cousin of a cousin of mine.[…]
I wonder when they will implement all of this, and what the pricing plans will be.FWIW, these days the proposed[…]