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David M Williams

David M Williams

David has been computing since 1984 where he instantly gravitated to the family Commodore 64. He completed a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from 1990 to 1992, commencing full-time employment as a systems analyst at the end of that year. David subsequently worked as a UNIX Systems Manager, Asia-Pacific technical specialist for an international software company, Business Analyst, IT Manager, and other roles. David has been the Chief Information Officer for national public companies since 2007, delivering IT knowledge and business acumen, seeking to transform the industries within which he works. David is also involved in the user group community, the Australian Computer Society technical advisory boards, and education.

There’s a delightful irony in Star Wars’ infamous Death Star: for all its futuristic might, it was ultimately undone by a good old-fashioned exhaust port. An oversight in waste-heat management (yes, that big hole was basically a vent) led to the most explosive operational failure in galactic history. It’s a classic example of why sustainability and sensible design matter—and it’s not so far removed from the challenges we face in modern IT.

Organisations everywhere are being challenged to embrace AI. Yet, AI needs a lot of energy, which in turn means emissions. An AI and data-driven world needs new thinking to ensure sustainability, says HPE.

Generative AI has captured the world's imagination with the practical power of AI coming to life, helping distill complex concepts into simple language, helping provide support and solutions, aiding in the creation of text and images and the expression of ideas. GenAI has a lot to offer and, understandably, businesses around the world want to get on board.

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