MFSA 2007-07 Embedded nulls in location.hostname confuse same-domain checks
MFSA 2007-06 Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) SSLv2 buffer overflow
MFSA 2007-05 XSS and local file access by opening blocked popups
MFSA 2007-04 Spoofing using custom cursor and CSS3 hotspot
MFSA 2007-03 Information disclosure through cache collisions
MFSA 2007-02 Improvements to help protect against Cross-Site Scripting attacks
MFSA 2007-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
To view the fixed bugs in detail, users can visit the Mozilla page.
Unlike Microsoft, Mozilla didn't flag the security update in advance but simply sprung it on users in the middle of a browsing session.