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The launch of Space Shuttle Discovery has been scrubbed due to poor weather conditions at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The world’s largest superconducting magnet has gone into action as Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator begins to take shape.
Thursday, 07 December 2006 06:04

NASA clears space shuttle for launch

NASA has cleared space shuttle Discovery for launch on Thursday in the US, despite technical hitches and forecasts of bad weather.
Thursday, 07 December 2006 03:28

Martian water signs give hope of life

Gullies thought to be only a few years old suggest that water may be flowing on Mars today, according to new scientific photographic evidence.
Wednesday, 06 December 2006 08:39

NASA wants self-sustaining moon base by 2024

Could mankind establish a colony on the moon and then later on other planets? If US space agency NASA has anything to say about it,…
Tuesday, 05 December 2006 05:26

NASA to build permanent moon base

Almost 40 years after Armstrong's one small step, NASA has announced plans to build a permanent lunar base.
Metal scraps recovered from a Roman shipwreck a century ago are believed the remains of a 2000 year-old astronomical computer.
Stephen Hawking, the genius who wrote a best seller that most readers couldn't understand, believes the human race is destined to colonize planets in other…
Stephen Hawking says that humans should colonize space and other planets. Well, of course we should!
With Virgin Galactic due to take off at the end of 2008, the rush in on to be amongst the first space tourists, with 65,000…

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