The vast majority of victims of internet phishing scams fall prey to very simple lures rather than complex hard to identify schemes, according to a…
Monday, 26 September 2005 10:00

Mobile malware jumps species

Researchers have discovered what they claim is the first fully functioning mobile threat that can spead to Windows PCs.
Monday, 26 September 2005 10:00

LAS sets up Australian office in Canberra

US-based name matching software developer, Language Analysis Systems (LAS), has set up an Australian office in Canberra, to capture a share of the immigration security…
Information security investments (manpower and financial) are spiralling upward, with over half of large Australian enterprises saying costs have increased by at least 50% from…
Thursday, 22 September 2005 10:00

Blue Reef gets $1m for US assault

Early stage advisory company, BSI has assisted in raising capital for network security developer Blue Reef to fund a $1m project covering Blue Reef's entry…
Results of a new study reveals why some end users in enterprise environments are more likely to engage in riskier online behavior at work than…
IT seems that no depth is too low for the unproductive parasites that continue to poison the internet channel. A recently spammed email claiming to…
Sunday, 11 September 2005 08:46

Computer Power teaches the art of hacking

IT training group, Computer Power Corporate Training, has introduced a new training course for IT professionals that provides them with a recognised qualification in systems…
Thursday, 01 September 2005 10:43

Fake Yahoo Games steal player passwords

Game players take notice. Security vendor, Trend Micro has discovered a new phishing website that poses as Yahoo! Games, offering free games, online competition and…
A senior security researcher has warned of a heightened security threat from bot worms in a newly released paper.

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