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Monday, 11 April 2022 05:19

Federal election: ABC Insiders fails the acid test as poll is called Featured

Patricia Karvelas: political veteran or novice? Patricia Karvelas: political veteran or novice? Courtesy ABC Insiders

For weeks, the ABC has been boasting about how good its coverage of the federal election will be. But when push came to shove, when the actual day of calling the poll arrived, the government-funded organisation was found seriously wanting.

The ABC's Insiders program is claimed to be the country's top politics show, but with Patricia Karvelas at the helm on Sunday it resembled a ghastly car-crash.

Exactly why David Speers, the regular host, was not around on the day when Prime Minister Scott Morrison visited the governor-general is difficult to fathom. It speaks to the ABC's incompetence.

Karvelas seemed to be on the edge all the time, as excited as someone going out on a first date. Yet she has long been touted as a political veteran. She seemed to be obsessed by the plane on which Morrison was making the short journey from Sydney to Canberra: it's taking off (all planes do); it's flying (haven't heard of a plane travelling on a road yet); it's going to land (really?); the prime minister will be driven to the governor-general's residence (I can't recall a single instance when the incumbent prime minister has walked the distance) and so on.

Karvelas was so incoherent that she even started speculating on what refreshments Morrison would be served and whether sandwiches would be on the menu or not.

Add to this, there was a third-rate panel to debate the issues of the day, if there were any. Jennifer Hewett of the AFR, Gareth Parker of 6PR and Fran Kelly, formerly of Radio National, are not the hottest tickets on a day when an election is called – not if anyone wants to really generate some interest among viewers.

If this was not enough, Karvelas also conducted what could only be described as a car-crash of an interview with Labor deputy leader Richard Marles. Her bias came across clearly and to call it unprofessional would be the understatement of 2022.

Marles is generally not the most agile person during an interview, but Karvelas could not pin him down even on a single point.

Karvelas was so overcome by the occasion — which incidentally happens every three years or so — that she did not apportion time for one of the better features of the show: Talking Pictures, which takes a look at the cartoons and images of the week gone by. But then, as always, there were ABC apologists making out that Karvelas was doing a "stellar job".

And if one hour of this third-rate show was not enough, as soon as it was over, people were treated to the spectacle of Greg Jennett and Jane Norman taking over the coverage.

Jennett, as usual, had a beatific smile on his face all the time and kept doing his impression of a poor man's Stan Grant. [Even the normal Stan Grant is painful, so one can imagine what Jennett is like.] As for Norman, the only charitable way to describe her is "callow".

It says a lot about the whole morning that even a seasoned and erudite commentator like Laura Tingle could not rescue the proceedings from mediocrity.

To think that there are nearly 40 more days of this kind of garbage programming ahead makes one sick to the gills. Streaming services are going to experience a boom; maybe the ABC can ask for a cut, given that it would be contributing more than just a bit to the subscriber numbers.

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Sam Varghese

Sam Varghese has been writing for iTWire since 2006, a year after the site came into existence. For nearly a decade thereafter, he wrote mostly about free and open source software, based on his own use of this genre of software. Since May 2016, he has been writing across many areas of technology. He has been a journalist for nearly 40 years in India (Indian Express and Deccan Herald), the UAE (Khaleej Times) and Australia (Daily Commercial News (now defunct) and The Age). His personal blog is titled Irregular Expression.

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